e-tailer 英 [ˈi:ˌteɪlə]   美 [ˈiˌtelɚ]


e-tailer  英 [ˈi:ˌteɪlə] 美 [ˈiˌtelɚ]

phrase. 电子商务零售商 


That suggests publishers see in the iPad a chance to wrest back control of digital prices from the e-tailer. 这说明出版商在与iPad的合作中有机会从网络零售商手中夺回电子出版物定价的话语权。
Hinterland customers make up nearly 60% of the 15, 000 to 20, 000 people who buy designer labels each month from Wooha, a Beijing-based luxury e-tailer that started in 2006, said founder Corey Lien. 创建于2006年、总部位于北京的奢侈品电子商务零售商呼哈网(Wooha)创始人连庭凯(Corey Lien)说,在呼哈网每月购买奢侈品牌的15,000至20,000人中,中国内陆地区的消费者占到了近60%。

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  • phrase. 电子商务零售商
  • 1. That suggests publishers see in the iPad a chance to wrest back control of digital prices from the e-tailer.


  • 2. Hinterland customers make up nearly 60% of the 15, 000 to 20, 000 people who buy designer labels each month from Wooha, a Beijing-based luxury e-tailer that started in 2006, said founder Corey Lien.

    创建于2006年、总部位于北京的奢侈品电子商务零售商呼哈网(Wooha)创始人连庭凯(Corey Lien)说,在呼哈网每月购买奢侈品牌的15,000至20,000人中,中国内陆地区的消费者占到了近60%。

  • 3. Playing full-court with Barnes &Noble to Walmart all the way to Apple, Amazon just keeps outgrowing its labels: bookseller, e-tailer and now tech company?

    在与类似Barnes &Noble和沃尔玛以及苹果的竞争中,亚马逊给自己树立了这样的标签:书商,电子商务,高科技公司?

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