


adv. 怀疑地;可疑地 

"Oh, come on," I said dubiously. “哦,得了吧。” 我怀疑地说。
And though she looked dubiously at the house-front as if inclined to return, it was with a breath of relief that she closed the gate. 尽管她心有不甘地盯着房子的前面,仿佛要回去似的,但还是把栅栏门关上了,这时才松了一口气。

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  • adv. 怀疑地;可疑地
  • 1. "Oh, come on," I said dubiously.

    “哦,得了吧。” 我怀疑地说。

  • 2. And though she looked dubiously at the house-front as if inclined to return, it was with a breath of relief that she closed the gate.


  • 3. "I don't think I'm allowed to have sole charge of two small children, " I said dubiously when their mother first mooted the idea.


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