


adv. 醉醺醺地;东倒西歪的 

Another friend told me he faked it once in his early-20s after meeting a girl at a bar and drunkenly taking her home. 另一个朋友说他在20多岁时假装过高潮。 那天他在酒吧遇到一个女孩,然后醉醺醺把她带回家。
To an alligator, McCrory explained, a human forearm, even drunkenly dangled between the creature's casually opened jaws, still appears to be prey. 麦克罗里接着解释,对于一条鳄鱼来说,一条人的前臂,甚至是醉醺醺地悬荡在它随意张开的上下颚之间的时候,看起来仍然是活色生香的猎物。

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  • adv. 醉醺醺地;东倒西歪的
  • 1. Another friend told me he faked it once in his early-20s after meeting a girl at a bar and drunkenly taking her home.

    另一个朋友说他在20多岁时假装过高潮。 那天他在酒吧遇到一个女孩,然后醉醺醺把她带回家。

  • 2. To an alligator, McCrory explained, a human forearm, even drunkenly dangled between the creature's casually opened jaws, still appears to be prey.


  • 3. Lethally sharp walls to drunkenly stumble into; winding narrow staircases with no fire exits – it all screams “Death Trap”, but I guess that is the point.

    墙角尖锐,喝醉酒的人会绊倒在弯曲狭窄,没有消防出口的楼梯上。 这简直是一个“死亡陷阱”,但是我猜想是特意做成这样的。

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