drum into  

drum into

drum into 

phrase. 反复向某人灌输 

I tried,but failed,to drum into him that he shouldn't smoke so much. 我百般劝他别抽那么多烟,但没有见效。
The truck motor twirled the huge cage-fan and pumped diesel fuel from a 55-gallon drum into the airstream . 卡车马达带动巨大的风扇并从55加仑的桶里把柴油燃料泵到空气中。

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  • phrase. 反复向某人灌输
  • 1. I tried,but failed,to drum into him that he shouldn't smoke so much.


  • 2. The truck motor twirled the huge cage-fan and pumped diesel fuel from a 55-gallon drum into the airstream .


  • 3. I tried, but failed, to drum into him where his drinking was leading.


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