droplet 英 [ˈdrɒplət]   美 [ˈdrɑplət]


droplet  英 [ˈdrɒplət] 美 [ˈdrɑplət]

n. 小滴,微滴 


One droplet trickled down his chin with the slow inevitability of a tear. 一滴水珠随着不可避免的慢慢滑下的眼泪一起滑下下巴。
After only one or two trials, many bees learned to stick out their tonguelike proboscis in anticipation of a sugary droplet. 经过短短的一两个试验,许多蜜蜂已经学会在期盼已久的含糖微滴前吐出舌样长鼻。

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  • n. 小滴,微滴
  • 1. One droplet trickled down his chin with the slow inevitability of a tear.


  • 2. After only one or two trials, many bees learned to stick out their tonguelike proboscis in anticipation of a sugary droplet.


  • droplet (n.) c. 1600, from drop (n.) + diminutive suffix -let.
drop·let / ˈdrɒplət ; NAmE ˈdrɑːplət / noun a small drop of a liquid 小滴 droplet droplets drop·let / ˈdrɒplət ; NAmE ˈdrɑːplət /
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