drone 英 [drəʊn]   美 [droʊn]


drone  英 [drəʊn] 美 [droʊn]

n. 雄蜂;嗡嗡的声音;懒惰者  n. 无人机(非正式)  vi. 嗡嗡作声;混日子 

进行时:droning  过去式:droned  过去分词:droned  第三人称单数:drones  名词复数:drones 

He wouldn't drone when he may live by honest labour. 他可凭诚实的劳动生活时,他不愿游手好闲。
The passenger's idle thoughts were backgrounded by the drone of the plane's engines. 那位乘客的遐想似乎是由飞机发动机的嗡嗡声作伴奏。

  • To drone is to make a low, continuous noise that sounds like humming or buzzing. On summer nights, you might hear cicadas drone, and on snowy winter mornings, hear your neighbor's snow blower drone.
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  • n. 雄蜂;嗡嗡的声音;懒惰者
  • n. 无人机(非正式)
  • vi. 嗡嗡作声;混日子
  • vt. 低沉地说
  • 1. He wouldn't drone when he may live by honest labour.


  • 2. The passenger's idle thoughts were backgrounded by the drone of the plane's engines.


  • drone (n.) Old English dran, dræn "male honeybee," from Proto-Germanic *dran- (source also of Middle Dutch drane; Old High German treno; German Drohne, which is from Middle Low German drone), probably imitative; given a figurative sense of "idler, lazy worker" (male bees make no honey) 1520s. Meaning "pilotless aircraft" is from 1946.
drone / drəʊn ; NAmE droʊn / noun , verb drone drones droned droning noun 1 [usually singular ] a continuous low noise 嗡嗡声 the distant drone of traffic 远处车辆往来发出的嗡嗡声 2 [usually singular ] a continuous low sound made by some musical instruments, for example the bagpipes,over which other notes are played or sung; the part of the instrument that makes this noise 伴音(如风笛等发出的持续音);伴音管(或弦等) 3 a male beethat does not work 雄蜂 compare queen bee  (1 ) , worker  (4 ) 4 a person who is lazy and gives nothing to society while others work (不劳动,依赖他人为生的)寄生虫 5 an aircraft without a pilot, controlled from the ground 无人驾驶飞机 verb [intransitive ] to make a continuous low noise 嗡嗡叫;嗡嗡响 A plane was droning in the distance. 飞机在远处嗡嗡地响。 a droning voice 嗡嗡的响声 PHRASAL VERB ˌdrone ˈon (about sth) to talk for a long time in a boring way 唠唠叨叨地说 drone / drəʊn ; NAmE droʊn /
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