drip 英 [drɪp]   美 [drɪp]


drip  英 [drɪp] 美 [drɪp]

vi. 滴下;滴出  n. 水滴,滴水声 

进行时:dripping  过去式:dripped  过去分词:dripped  第三人称单数:drips  名词复数:drips 

She was hot and sweat dripped into her eyes. 她很热,汗水滴入双眼。
Water was dripping down the walls. 水从墙上滴落下来。

  • When water flows slowly in tiny drops, it drips. The movement of water in this way is called a drip.
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  • vi. 滴下;滴出
  • n. 水滴,滴水声
  • 1. She was hot and sweat dripped into her eyes.


  • 2. Water was dripping down the walls.


  • 3. The tap was dripping.


  • 4. Her hair dripped down her back.


  • 5. Be careful, you're dripping paint everywhere!


  • 6. The trees were dripping with fruit.


  • 7. His voice dripped sarcasm.


  • 8. We put a bucket under the hole in the roof to catch the drips.


  • 9. She's been put on a drip.


  • drip (n.) mid-15c., from drip (v.). The slang meaning "stupid, feeble, or dull person" is first recorded 1932, perhaps from earlier American English slang sense "nonsense" (1919).
  • drip (v.) c. 1300, perhaps from Middle Danish drippe, from Proto-Germanic *drup- (source also of Dutch druipen, German triefen), from PIE root *dhreu-. Related to droop and drop. Old English had cognate drypan "to let drop," dropian "fall in drops," and dreopan "to drop." Related: Dripped; dripping.
drip / drɪp ; NAmE drɪp / verb , noun drip drips dripped dripping verb ( -pp- ) 1 [intransitive ] (+ adv./prep.) (of liquid 液体 ) to fall in small drops 滴下 She was hot and sweat dripped into her eyes. 她很热,汗水滴入双眼。 Water was dripping down the walls. 水从墙上滴落下来。 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to produce drops of liquid 滴出;滴水 The tap was dripping. 龙头在滴水。 + adv./prep. Her hair dripped down her back. 她头发上的水顺着后背滴落下来。 dripsth (+adv./prep.) Be careful, you're dripping paint everywhere! 小心点,你把颜料滴得到处都是! 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to contain or hold a lot of sth 含有;充满;充溢 dripwith sth The trees were dripping with fruit. 树上挂满了果子。 dripsth His voice dripped sarcasm. 他的话语中充满了讥讽。 noun 1 [singular ] the sound or action of small drops of liquid falling continuously 滴落;滴水声;滴答声 The silence was broken only by the steady drip, drip of water from the roof. 只有屋顶上滴答滴答持续不断的滴水声打破了寂静。 2 [countable ] a small drop of liquid that falls from sth 水滴;滴液 We put a bucket under the hole in the roof to catch the drips. 我们在屋顶漏洞下放了一个水桶接水滴。 3 ( NAmE also IV ) [countable ] ( medical ) a piece of equipment that passes liquid food, medicine or blood very slowly through a tube into a patient's vein (静脉)滴注器, 点滴瓶 She's been put on a drip. 她一直在输液。 4 [countable ] ( informal, becoming old-fashioned) a boring or stupid person with a weak personality 怯懦讨厌的人;愚蠢胆怯的人 SYN wimp Don't be such a drip—come and join in the fun! 别犯傻了,过来一起玩吧! drip / drɪp ; NAmE drɪp /
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