dressing-up 英 [d'resɪŋ'ʌp]   美 [d'resɪŋ'ʌp]


dressing-up  英 [d'resɪŋ'ʌp] 美 [d'resɪŋ'ʌp]

phrase. 化妆打扮游戏 


I was always rummaging in the dressing-up box of the heart for suitable appearances to adopt in the city. 我总是在内心的戏服箱里翻找,想找出最适合这城市的打扮。
But the freedom of not being petted made up even for the harshness of this bondage, for our minds were left clear of the toils of constant coddling, pampering and dressing-up. 但是免于娇生惯养的自由弥补了这种约束压制的不足。 我们的心灵由于没受到持续的溺爱、纵容和漂亮衣着的诱惑,因而显得清澈明亮。

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  • phrase. 化妆打扮游戏
  • 1. I was always rummaging in the dressing-up box of the heart for suitable appearances to adopt in the city.


  • 2. But the freedom of not being petted made up even for the harshness of this bondage, for our minds were left clear of the toils of constant coddling, pampering and dressing-up.

    但是免于娇生惯养的自由弥补了这种约束压制的不足。 我们的心灵由于没受到持续的溺爱、纵容和漂亮衣着的诱惑,因而显得清澈明亮。

  • 3. But, don\'t forget, any job can help you grow as a person - dressing up as Santa Claus and sitting in a fairy grotto can help develop people skills and be an effective form of family planning.


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