drag 英 [dræg]   美 [dræɡ]


drag  英 [dræg] 美 [dræɡ]

v. 拖拉;拖曳  n. 拖;拖累 

进行时:dragging  过去式:dragged  过去分词:dragged  第三人称单数:drags  名词复数:drags 

They dragged her from her bed. 他们把她从床上拽了起来。
I managed to drag myself out of bed. 我总算硬撑着从床上爬了起来。

  • To drag something means to physically pull it, like when you drag your sofa to the other side of the living room in order to get a better view of the TV.
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  • v. 拖拉;拖曳
  • n. 拖;拖累
  • 1. They dragged her from her bed.


  • 2. I managed to drag myself out of bed.


  • 3. She always drags behind when we walk anywhere.


  • 4. I'm sorry to drag you all this way in the heat.


  • 5. The party was so good I couldn't drag myself away.


  • 6. Time dragged terribly.


  • 7. The meeting really dragged.


  • 8. This dress is too long—it drags on the ground when I walk.


  • 9. He was dragging his coat in the mud.


  • 10. He's such a drag.


  • 11. Walking's a drag—let's drive there.


  • 12. He came to be seen as a drag .


  • 13. She took a long drag on her cigarette.


  • drag (n.) c. 1300, "dragnet," perhaps from a Scandinavian source (compare Swedish dragg "grapnel") or from Old English dræge "dragnet," related to dragan "to draw" (see drag (v.)).
  • drag (v.) mid-15c., from Old Norse draga, or a dialectal variant of Old English dragan "to draw," both from Proto-Germanic *dragan "to draw, pull," from PIE root *dhragh- "to draw, drag on the ground" (source also of Sanskrit dhrajati "pulls, slides in," Russian drogi "wagon;" but not considered to be directly the source of Latin trahere).
drag / dræɡ ; NAmE dræɡ / verb , noun drag drags dragged dragging verb ( -gg- ) pull 1 [transitive ] (+ adv.prep.) to pull sb/sth along with effort and difficulty (使劲而吃力地)拖,拉,拽,扯 I dragged the chair over to the window. 我把椅子拖到了窗口那边。 They dragged her from her bed. 他们把她从床上拽了起来。 synonyms at pull move slowly 缓慢移动 2 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to move yourself slowly and with effort 缓慢而费力地移动(或行进) dragyourself + adv./prep. I managed to drag myself out of bed. 我总算硬撑着从床上爬了起来。 + adv./prep. She always drags behind when we walk anywhere. 我们每走到什么地方她都慢慢腾腾吃力地跟在后面。 persuade sb to go 劝人走 3 [transitive ] dragsb/yourself + adv./prep. to persuade sb to come or go somewhere they do not really want to come or go to 生拉硬拽;劝人勉强来(或去) I'm sorry to drag you all this way in the heat. 对不起,这么热的天硬拉着你跑了那么远。 The party was so good I couldn't drag myself away. 这聚会太好玩了,我舍不得离开。 of time 时间 4 [intransitive ] (of time or an event 时间或活动 ) to pass very slowly 过得很慢;拖沓地进行 Time dragged terribly. 时间过得真慢。 The meeting really dragged. 这会议开得真拖拉。 see also drag on touch ground 触到地上 5 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to move, or make sth move, partly touching the ground (使)在地上拖着移动 This dress is too long—it drags on the ground when I walk. 这条连衣裙太长了,我走路时会拖在地上。 dragsth He was dragging his coat in the mud. 他的外套拖在泥里。 search river 在河中搜索 6 [transitive ] dragsth (for sb/sth) to search the bottom of a river, lake, etc. with nets or hooks 用网(或钩)搜索(河或湖底) They dragged the canal for the murder weapon. 他们用拖网沿运河打捞凶器。 computing 计算机技术 7 [transitive ] dragsth + adv./prep. to move some text, an icon,etc. across the screen of a computer using the mouse (用鼠标)拖动 IDIOM drag your ˈfeet/ˈheels to be deliberately slow in doing sth or in making a decision 故意拖拉;故意延迟(作出决定) more at bootstrap PHRASAL VERBS ˌdrag ˈby (of time 时间 ) to pass very slowly 过得很慢;拖沓地进行 The last few weeks of the summer really dragged by. 夏天最后的几个星期过得真是慢啊。 ˌdrag sb↔ˈdown to make sb feel weak or unhappy 使虚弱(或不愉快) ˌdrag sb/sth↔ˈdown (to sth) to bring sb/sth to a lower social or economic level, a lower standard of behaviour, etc. 使社会地位(或经济地位、行为标准等)下降 If he fails, he'll drag us all down with him. 要是他失败了,他会使我们大家连同他一起毁掉的。 ˌdrag sth/sb ˈinto sth | ˌdrag sth/sb↔ˈin 1 to start to talk about sth/sb that has nothing to do with what is being discussed 把毫不相干的事(或人)插入谈论;毫无必要地扯到 Do you have to drag politics into everything? 你什么事都非要把政治扯进去吗? 2 to try to get sb who is not connected with a situation involved in it 硬让毫无关系的人卷入;硬把…拉进去 Don't drag the children into our argument. 不要硬让孩子也卷入我们的争论。 ˌdrag ˈon ( disapproving) to go on for too long 拖得太久;持续太久 The dispute has dragged on for months. 这场争论没完没了地持续了数月。 ˌdrag sth↔ˈout to make sth last longer than necessary 不必要地拖延;使持续过久 SYN prolong Let's not drag out this discussion—we need to reach a decision. 别让这场讨论拖得太久,我们得作出决定。 ˌdrag sth ˈout of sb to make sb say sth they do not want to say 强迫某人说出;套某人的话 We dragged a confession out of him. 我们硬逼着他招了供。 ˌdrag sth↔ˈup to mention an unpleasant story, fact, etc. that people do not want to remember or talk about 提起(不愿回忆或谈论的事) Why do you have to keep dragging up my divorce? 你为什么非要老提我离婚的事呢? noun boring person/thing 令人厌烦的人╱事 1 [singular ] ( informal) a boring person or thing; sth that is annoying 令人厌烦的人;乏味无聊的事 He's such a drag. 他真惹人讨厌。 Walking's a drag—let's drive there. 步行太累了,咱们开车去吧。 Having to work late every day is a drag. 每天都得晚下班可真讨厌。 sb/sth stopping progress 阻碍前进的人╱事物 2 [singular ] a dragon sb/sth ( informal) a person or thing that makes progress difficult 累赘;拖累;绊脚石 He came to be seen as a drag on his own party's prospects. 他逐渐被看成是阻碍自己的党走向未来的绊脚石。 on cigarette 香烟 3 [countable ] ( informal) an act of breathing in smoke from a cigarette, etc. 抽一口;吸一口 SYN draw She took a long drag on her cigarette. 她长长地抽了一大口烟。 women's clothes 女装 4 [uncountable ] ( informal) clothes that are usually worn by the opposite sex (usually women's clothes worn by men) 异性服装(通常指男子穿的女装) He performed in drag. 他身着女装演出。 a drag queen (= a man who dresses in women's clothes, usually in order to entertain people) 男扮女装者(通常以娱乐他人为目的) physics 物理 5 [uncountable ] the force of the air that acts against the movement of an aircraft or other vehicle (作用于飞机或其他交通工具的)空气阻力 compare lift n.  (5 ) see also main drag drag / dræɡ ; NAmE dræɡ /
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