- A downfall is a sudden drop in status or strength. You might be winning at Monopoly until your opponents decide to team up against you, which leads to your downfall.
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- n. 衰败;垮台
1. The sex scandal finally led to his downfall.
2. Greed was her downfall.
3. Ice cream can be my downfall.
down·fall / ˈdaʊnfɔːl ; NAmE ˈdaʊnfɔːl / noun [singular ] the loss of a person's money, power, social position, etc; the thing that causes this 衰落;衰败;垮台;衰落(或衰败、垮台)的原因 ◆ The sex scandal finally led to his downfall. 这桩绯闻最终使他身败名裂。 ◆ Greed was her downfall. 贪得无厌就是她堕落的缘由。 downfall downfalls down·fall / ˈdaʊnfɔːl ; NAmE ˈdaʊnfɔːl /
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