domination 英 [dɒmɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n]   美 [,dɑmə'neʃən]


domination  英 [dɒmɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [,dɑmə'neʃən]

n. 控制;支配 


They had five centuries of domination by the Romans. 他们被罗马人统治了5个世纪。
The country came under foreign domination. 该国受到外国势力的控制.

  • Domination means total control. Most comic book villains — and a few real people, too — spend their lives in pursuit of world domination.
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  • n. 控制;支配
  • 1. They had five centuries of domination by the Romans.


  • 2. The country came under foreign domination.


  • 3. His domination by his brother made him very angry.


  • domination (n.) late 14c., "rule, control," from Old French dominacion (12c.) "domination, rule, power," from Latin dominationem (nominative dominatio), noun of action from past participle stem of dominari "to rule, have dominion over," from dominus "lord, master," literally "master of the house," from domus "house, home" (from PIE root *dem- "house, household") + -nus, suffix denoting ownership or relation. Sexual sense by 1961.
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