domestically   美 [də'mɛstɪkli]


domestically  美 [də'mɛstɪkli]

adv. 国内地;家庭式地;适合国内地 

I know first hand how much the US needs a nationwide green “gold rush” of new jobs in solar domestically like this. 我知道政府需要多少像这样的国内地全国性的绿色“淘金热”的太阳能工作的第一手资料。
India also maintains it would not allow any international scrutiny of whatever voluntary mitigation actions it funds domestically with its own money. 印度还坚持不会允许国际间对其在以自有资金在国内进行的任何自愿性减排行为进行监督。

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  • adv. 国内地;家庭式地;适合国内地
  • 1. I know first hand how much the US needs a nationwide green “gold rush” of new jobs in solar domestically like this.


  • 2. India also maintains it would not allow any international scrutiny of whatever voluntary mitigation actions it funds domestically with its own money.


  • 3. It promised recycled financing, most of it to be spent domestically, and above all warned that everything depended on US congressional approval.


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