distinctively [dɪ'stɪŋktɪvli]  


distinctively  [dɪ'stɪŋktɪvli]

adv. 特殊地;区别地 

Nor did the American founders regard these principles as distinctively American. They were happy to learn and borrow from others. 美国的建国先贤们也并不认为这些原则是美国特有的,他们乐于学习并借鉴他人经验。
But thought, as thought, constitutes only the general medium, or qualifying circumstance, which renders the Idea distinctively logical. 但是只有思维本身才构成使得理念成为逻辑的理念的普遍规定性或要素。

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  • adv. 特殊地;区别地
  • 1. Nor did the American founders regard these principles as distinctively American. They were happy to learn and borrow from others.


  • 2. But thought, as thought, constitutes only the general medium, or qualifying circumstance, which renders the Idea distinctively logical.


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