distant 英 [ˈdɪstənt]   美 [ˈdɪstənt]


distant  英 [ˈdɪstənt] 美 [ˈdɪstənt]

adj. 遥远的;疏远的 

the distant sound of music 远处的音乐声
distant stars,distant planets 遥远的恒星╱行星

  • Distant describes something that's far away, like another planet, a ship far out at sea, or the cousin who never calls or shows up for family events.
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  • adj. 遥远的;疏远的
  • 1. the distant sound of music


  • 2. distant stars,distant planets


  • 3. a distant memory.


  • 4. Peace was just a distant hope.


  • 5. a distant cousin, a distant aunt, a distant relative


  • 6. Pat sounded very cold and distant on the phone.


  • 7. Somewhere, distantly, he could hear the sound of the sea.


  • 8. We're distantly related.


  • 9. stories from the distant past


  • distant (adj.) late 14c., from Old French distant (14c.), from Latin distantem (nominative distans), present participle of distare "to stand apart, be remote" (see distance (n.)). Related: Distantly.
dis·tant / ˈdɪstənt ; NAmE ˈdɪstənt / adjective 1 far away in space or time 遥远的;远处的;久远的 the distant sound of music 远处的音乐声 distant stars/planets 遥远的恒星╱行星 The time we spent together is now a distant memory. 我们一起度过的时光现已成为久远的记忆。 ( formal) The airport was about 20 kilometres distant. 机场在大约 20 公里远的地方。 a star 30 000 light years distant from the Earth 离地球 3 万光年远的恒星 ( figurative) Peace was just a distant hope (= not very likely). 和平只是遥不可及的希望而已。 2 distant(from sth) not like sth else 不相似的;不同的 SYN remote Their life seemed utterly distant from his own. 他们的生活与他自己的生活似乎完全不同。 3 [only before noun ] (of a person ) related to you but not closely 远亲的;远房的 a distant cousin/aunt/relative 远房堂兄弟╱姑母╱亲戚 4 not friendly; not wanting a close relationship with sb 不友好的;冷淡的;疏远的 Pat sounded very cold and distant on the phone. 从电话里听起来帕特非常冷淡和疏远。 5 not paying attention to sth but thinking about sth completely different 心不在焉的;恍惚的;出神的 There was a distant look in her eyes; her mind was obviously on something else. 她眼神恍惚,显然心里在想着别的什么事儿。 dis·tant·ly / ˈdɪstəntli ; NAmE ˈdɪstəntli / adverb Somewhere, distantly, he could hear the sound of the sea. 他能听到在远处某个地方的海浪声。 We're distantly related. 我们是远亲。 Holly smiled distantly. 霍利恍惚地笑了笑。 IDIOMS the (ˌdim and) ˌdistant ˈpast a long time ago 很久以前;遥远的过去 stories from the distant past 很久以前的故事 in the not too ˌdistant ˈfuture not a long time in the future but fairly soon 在不久的将来 dis·tant / ˈdɪstənt ; NAmE ˈdɪstənt / dis·tant·ly / ˈdɪstəntli ; NAmE ˈdɪstəntli /
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