dissolving [dɪ'zɑlvɪŋ]  


dissolving  [dɪ'zɑlvɪŋ]

adj. 消溶的;毁灭性的  v. 使溶解(dissolve的现在分词) 


But we have a choice to face it and in doing so, dissolving it into the nothingness from which it came. 但是我们可以选择面对它,这样做的话,我们就能从它来的地方把它消除掉。
Some other major powers include dismissing the Government, dissolving the Parliament, and declaring war or peace. 其他主要的权力包括解散政府,解散议会,宣布战争或和平状态。

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  • adj. 消溶的;毁灭性的
  • v. 使溶解(dissolve的现在分词)
  • 1. But we have a choice to face it and in doing so, dissolving it into the nothingness from which it came.


  • 2. Some other major powers include dismissing the Government, dissolving the Parliament, and declaring war or peace.


  • 3. He paints with water, so each line of script lasts only a short time before dissolving away.


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