disruptive 英 [dɪsˈrʌptɪv]   美 [dɪsˈrʌptɪv]


disruptive  英 [dɪsˈrʌptɪv] 美 [dɪsˈrʌptɪv]

adj. 扰乱性的;破坏性的 

She had a disruptive influence on the rest of the class. 她搅扰了班上其他的学生。
Alcohol can produce violent, disruptive behaviour. 酒能促成暴力的和破坏性的行为。

  • Anything disruptive is loud, chaotic, and disorderly. Disruptive things disturb people and upset the applecart.
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  • adj. 扰乱性的;破坏性的
  • 1. She had a disruptive influence on the rest of the class.


  • 2. Alcohol can produce violent, disruptive behaviour.


  • 3. The crisis will prove hugely disruptive, however.


  • 4. It would be extremely disruptive to society.


  • disruptive (adj.) 1862 (in electricity sense from 1842); see disrupt + -ive. Related: Disruptively; disruptiveness.
dis·rup·tive / dɪsˈrʌptɪv ; NAmE dɪsˈrʌptɪv / adjective causing problems, noise, etc. so that sth cannot continue normally 引起混乱的;扰乱性的;破坏性的 She had a disruptive influence on the rest of the class. 她搅扰了班上其他的学生。 dis·rup·tive / dɪsˈrʌptɪv ; NAmE dɪsˈrʌptɪv /
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