disquieting [dɪs'kwaɪətɪŋ]  


disquieting  [dɪs'kwaɪətɪŋ]

adj. 令人不安的;令人忧虑的  v. 使不安;使忧虑(disquiet的ing形式) 

But there are some disquieting trends. 但也存在某些令人忧虑的趋势。
Even before the cataclysmic events of the past year, policy makers in Japan were engaged in a quiet but high stakes debate about the country's future in the context of disquieting changes. 即使在过去一年的灾难性事件发生之前,日本的决策者已经悄悄进行一场牵涉重大利益的辩论——在令人不安的变化背景下,讨论国家的未来。

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  • adj. 令人不安的;令人忧虑的
  • v. 使不安;使忧虑(disquiet的ing形式)
  • 1. But there are some disquieting trends.


  • 2. Even before the cataclysmic events of the past year, policy makers in Japan were engaged in a quiet but high stakes debate about the country's future in the context of disquieting changes.


  • 3. But his tumble down the economic ladder is among the more disquieting and often hidden aspects of the downturn.


dis·quiet·ing / dɪsˈkwaɪətɪŋ ; NAmE dɪsˈkwaɪətɪŋ / adjective ( formal) causing worry and unhappiness 令人不安的;使人忧虑的 dis·quiet·ing / dɪsˈkwaɪətɪŋ ; NAmE dɪsˈkwaɪətɪŋ /
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