dispossessed [,dɪspə'zɛst]  


dispossessed  [,dɪspə'zɛst]

adj. 被逐出的;无依无靠的;失去产业的 

When the most dispossessed person in the poorest neighborhood receives the same treatment as the rich man living high upon the hill, civil society is strengthened and the police are ennobled. 当最贫困社区中的最无依无靠的人得到与在山坡豪宅中的富人同样的对待时,公民社会得到加强,警察的工作受到尊敬。
That has been an effect of decades of police repression, stamping out collective organization of any kind among the dispossessed. 这是数十年来警察压迫的结果,把被压迫者中的每一种集体组织都标记出来。

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  • adj. 被逐出的;无依无靠的;失去产业的
  • 1. When the most dispossessed person in the poorest neighborhood receives the same treatment as the rich man living high upon the hill, civil society is strengthened and the police are ennobled.


  • 2. That has been an effect of decades of police repression, stamping out collective organization of any kind among the dispossessed.


  • 3. dispossessed farmers and artisans, they had occupied the land, proclaimed it the "common treasure" of the people, and begun tilling it.


the dis·pos·sessed / ˌdɪspəˈzest ; NAmE ˌdɪspəˈzest / noun [plural ] people who have had property taken away from them 被剥夺财产者 dis·pos·sessed / ˌdɪspəˈzest ; NAmE ˌdɪspəˈzest /
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