displaced person  

displaced person

displaced person 

n. 难民;因战争(或政治迫害)逃离家园的人 

名词复数:displaced people 

As with cholera vaccine, typhoid immunization is not recommended in displaced person situations or following natural disasters. 与霍乱疫苗一样,通常不建议对灾民或在自然灾害之后接种伤寒疫苗。
Neither prefabricated buildings nor specially developed emergency shelter units have proved effective in displaced person emergencies. 在应对紧急情况时,预制的简易房屋和专门开发的紧急庇护住宅单元,都未被证明是有效的。

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  • n. 难民;因战争(或政治迫害)逃离家园的人
  • 1. As with cholera vaccine, typhoid immunization is not recommended in displaced person situations or following natural disasters.


  • 2. Neither prefabricated buildings nor specially developed emergency shelter units have proved effective in displaced person emergencies.


  • 3. Born in Estonia in the middle of World War II, he spent his early childhood living in a displaced-person's camp before immigrating with his family to Australia.


diˌsplaced ˈperson / ; NAmE / noun ( plural diˌsplaced ˈpersons ) ( technical 术语 ) a refugee 难民;流亡者 diˌsplaced ˈperson / ; NAmE /
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