dig 英 [dɪg]   美 [dɪɡ]


dig  英 [dɪg] 美 [dɪɡ]

v. 挖,掘;探究  n. 戳,刺;挖苦 

进行时:digging  过去式:dug  过去分词:dug  第三人称单数:digs  名词复数:digs 

to dig for coal,to dig for gold,to dig for Roman remains 挖煤;采掘黄金;掘地探寻古罗马遗迹
I think I'll do some digging in the garden. 我想我该给花园松松土了。

  • When you dig, you scoop or shovel up dirt, sand, or some other material. Your dog might whine to go outside so she can dig a hole in your dad's garden.
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  • v. 挖,掘;探究
  • n. 戳,刺;挖苦
  • 1. to dig for coal,to dig for gold,to dig for Roman remains


  • 2. I think I'll do some digging in the garden.


  • 3. to dig a ditch, to dig a hole


  • 4. I'll dig some potatoes for lunch.


  • 5. I dug around in my bag for a pen.


  • 6. She gave him a dig in the ribs.


  • 7. He kept making sly little digs at me.


  • 8. to have a dig at sb,to have a dig at sth


  • 9. to go on a dig


dig / dɪɡ ; NAmE dɪɡ / verb , noun dig digs dug digging verb ( dig·ging , dug , dug / dʌɡ ; NAmE dʌɡ / ) 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to make a hole in the ground or to move soil from one place to another using your hands, a tool or a machine 掘(地);凿(洞);挖(土) dig(for sth) to dig for coal/gold/Roman remains 挖煤;采掘黄金;掘地探寻古罗马遗迹 They dug deeper and deeper but still found nothing. 他们越挖越深却仍然一无所获。 I think I'll do some diggingin the garden. 我想我该给花园松松土了。 digsth to dig a ditch/grave/hole/tunnel 挖沟;挖坟;挖洞;挖隧道 ( BrE) I've been digging the garden. 我一直在花园松土。 2 [transitive ] digsth to remove sth from the ground with a tool 掘得;(采)掘出 I'll dig some potatoes for lunch. 我要挖点土豆作午餐。 3 [intransitive ] (+ adv./prep.) to search in sth in order to find an object in sth 寻找,搜寻(物品) I dug around in my bag for a pen. 我在包里到处翻找笔。 4 [transitive ] digsth ( old-fashioned, slang) to approve of or like sth very much 赞成;看中;喜欢 IDIOMS dig ˈdeep (into sth) 1 to search thoroughly for information 探究;搜集;细查 You'll need to dig deep into the records to find the figures you want. 你必须仔细查阅档案才能找到你需要的数字。 2 to try hard to provide the money, equipment, etc. that is needed 尽力提供(所需金钱、设备等) We're asking you to dig deep for the earthquake victims. 我们请求你们尽力为地震灾民提供财物。 dig your ˈheels/ˈtoes in to refuse to do sth or to change your mind about sth 拒不让步;固执己见 They dug in their heels and would not lower the price. 他们说什么也不肯降价。 dig (deep) in/into your pocket(s), savings, etc. to spend a lot of your own money on sth 慷慨解囊;花费;掏腰包 dig sb in the ˈribs to push your finger or your elbow into sb's side, especially to attract their attention (尤指为引起注意用手指或胳膊肘)捅某人一下 dig yourself into a ˈhole to get yourself into a bad situation that will be very difficult to get out of 使自己陷入困境;使自己处境尴尬 dig your own ˈgrave | dig a ˈgrave for yourself to do sth that will have very harmful results for you 自掘坟墓;自取灭亡;自己害自己 PHRASAL VERBS ˌdig ˈin ( informal) 1 used to tell sb to start to eat 开始吃吧 Help yourselves, everybody! Dig in! 请大家随意,开始吃吧! 2 to wait, or deal with a difficult situation, with great patience 耐心等待;忍耐;忍受 There is nothing we can do except dig in and wait. 我们除了耐心等待别无他法。 ˌdig sth↔ˈin 1 to mix soil with another substance by digging the two substances together (把…)掺进土中,混入土壤 The manure should be well dug in. 肥料应均匀地混入土壤。 2 to push sth into sth else (把…)戳进,插入 He dug his fork into the steak. 他把餐叉叉进牛排。 ˌdig yourself ˈin (of soldiers 士兵 ) to protect yourself against an attack by making a safe place in the ground 掘壕防守;挖掩体藏身 ˌdig ˈinto sth 1 ( informal) to start to eat food with enthusiasm 开始津津有味地吃;开始贪婪地吃 She dug into her bowl of pasta. 她津津有味地吃着碗里的面条。 2 to push or rub against your body in a painful or uncomfortable way 挤痛,磨痛,碰痛(身体部位) His fingers dug painfully into my arm. 他的手指把我的手臂给抓痛了。 3 to find out information by searching or asking questions 探究;探寻;探询 Will you dig a little into his past and see what you find? 你稍微探究一下他的过去看看能发现什么,好吗? ˌdig sth ˈinto sth 1 to mix soil with another substance by digging the two substances together (把…)掺进土中,混入土壤 2 to push or press sth into sth else (把…)戳进,插入,压入 She dug her hands deeper into her pockets. 她把两手深深地插进衣服口袋里。 ˌdig sb/sth↔ˈout (of sth) 1 to remove sb/sth from somewhere by digging the ground around them or it 挖掘出 More than a dozen people were dug out of the avalanche alive. 十多个埋在雪崩下的人被挖了出来,仍然活着。 2 to find sth that has been hidden or forgotten for a long time 找出,发掘,发现(藏着的或被遗忘的东西) I went to the attic and dug out Grandad's medals. 我到阁楼里发现了祖父的勋章。 ˌdig sth↔ˈover to prepare ground by digging the soil to remove stones, etc. 翻(地);翻挖;刨(地) ˌdig sth↔ˈup 1 to break the ground into small pieces before planting seeds, building sth, etc. (在播种或建筑前)掘地,平整土地 They are digging up the football field to lay a new surface. 他们正在把足球场挖开铺一层新地面。 2 to remove sth from the ground by digging 掘起;挖掘出 An old Roman vase was dug up here last month. 上个月在此地出土了一个古罗马花瓶。 3 to discover information about sb/sth 发现;搜集;查明 SYN unearth Tabloid newspapers love to dig up scandal. 通俗小报都热衷于刨丑闻。 noun see also digs 1 a small push with your finger or elbow (用手指或肘部)轻碰,轻戳,轻推 She gave him a dig in the ribs. 她轻轻地戳了一下他的肋部。 2 dig(at sb/sth) a remark that is intended to annoy or upset sb 挖苦;嘲讽 He kept making sly little digs at me. 他总是拐弯抹角地挖苦我。 to have a dig at sb/sth 嘲讽某人╱某事 3 an occasion when an organized group of people dig in the ground to discover old buildings or objects, in order to find out more about their history 考古发掘 SYN excavation to go on a dig 进行考古发掘 an archaeological dig 一次考古发掘 dig / dɪɡ ; NAmE dɪɡ / dug / dʌɡ ; NAmE dʌɡ /
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