different 英 [ˈdɪfrənt]   美 [ˈdɪfrənt]


different  英 [ˈdɪfrənt] 美 [ˈdɪfrənt]

adj. 不同的;与众不同的 

Don't lump all these different problems together. 不要把这些不同的问题混为一谈。
It's different now than it was one year ago. 现在同一年前不一样了。

  • Something is different whether it is only a little or completely unlike something else. Not only are your two cats different breeds, but they are also different from your pet tiger.
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  • adj. 不同的;与众不同的
  • 1. Don't lump all these different problems together.


  • 2. It's different now than it was one year ago.


  • 3. She offered us five different kinds of cake.


  • 4. Paul’s very different from his brother.( different to his brother)


  • different (adj.) late 14c., from Old French different (14c.), from Latin differentem (nominative differens) "differing, different," present participle of differre "to set apart" (see differ). Colloquial sense of "special" attested by 1912. Related: Differently.
dif·fer·ent / ˈdɪfrənt ; NAmE ˈdɪfrənt / adjective 1 different(from/to/than sb/sth) not the same as sb/sth; not like sb/sth else 不同的;有区别的;有差异的 American English is significantly different from British English. 美式英语与英式英语有很大差异。 ( BrE) It's very different to what I'm used to. 这与我所习惯的大不相同。 ( NAmE) He saw he was no different than anybody else. 他认为他与其他人没什么两样。 It's different now than it was a year ago. 现在同一年前不一样了。 People often give very different accounts of the same event. 人们常常对同一件事有非常不同的叙述。 My son's terribly untidy; my daughter's no different. 我儿子邋遢极了,女儿也不比他强。 OPP similar 2 [only before noun ] separate and individual 分别的;各别的;各种的 She offered us five different kinds of cake. 她给我们提供了五种不同的蛋糕。 The programme was about customs in different parts of the country. 这个节目介绍全国各地的风俗习惯。 They are sold in many different colours. 这些有多种颜色供选购。 I looked it up in three different dictionaries. 我分别在三本词典里查找过。 3 [not usually before noun ] ( informal) unusual; not like other people or things 不平常;与众不同;别致 ‘Did you enjoy the play?’ ‘Well, it was certainly different!’ “你喜欢这出戏吗?”“哦,的确不同凡响!” dif·fer·ent·ly / ˈdɪfrəntli ; NAmE ˈdɪfrəntli / adverb Boys and girls may behave differently. 男孩儿和女孩儿的表现可能不同。 The male bird has a differently shaped head. 雄鸟的头形有点特别。 IDIOM a different kettle of fish ( informal) a completely different situation or person from the one previously mentioned 另一码事;截然不同的人 more at complexion , know v. , march v. , matter n. , pull v. , sing v. , tell BRITISH/AMERICAN 英式/美式英语 different from / to / than Different fromis the most common structure in both BrEand NAmE. Different tois also used in BrE. *different from 在英式英语和美式英语中均为最通用的结构。different to 亦用于英式英语: Paul’s very different from/to his brother. 保罗与他的哥哥大不一样。 This visit is very different from/to last time. 这次访问与上一次的大不相同。 In NAmEpeople also say different than. 美式英语亦有 different than 的说法: Your trains are different than ours. 你们的火车与我们的不一样。 You look different than before. 你看上去与从前不一样了。 Before a clause you can also use different from(and different thanin NAmE). 从句前亦可用 different from (美式英语用 different than): She looked different from what I’d expected. She looked different than (what) I’d expected. 她看上去与我想像的不一样。 dif·fer·ent / ˈdɪfrənt ; NAmE ˈdɪfrənt / dif·fer·ent·ly / ˈdɪfrəntli ; NAmE ˈdɪfrəntli /
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