dictatorial 英 [ˌdɪktəˈtɔ:riəl]   美 [ˌdɪktəˈtɔriəl, -ˈtor-]


dictatorial  英 [ˌdɪktəˈtɔ:riəl] 美 [ˌdɪktəˈtɔriəl, -ˈtor-]

adj. 独裁的,专政的;专横傲慢的 

The rationale for the amendment was that it would prevent future presidents from attempting to claim dictatorial powers. 提出这项修正案的理由是,这样做可防止未来的总统独断专行。
A dictatorial pariah to some, he has become a hero and inspiration for many of the world's poor, defiantly charting an independent and revolutionary path for Cuba over nearly half a century. 有人认为他只是个专制的流浪汉,但他已成为全世界劳苦民众的精神领袖,在近半个世纪以来,引领古巴通向独立与革命之路。

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  • adj. 独裁的,专政的;专横傲慢的
  • 1. The rationale for the amendment was that it would prevent future presidents from attempting to claim dictatorial powers.


  • 2. A dictatorial pariah to some, he has become a hero and inspiration for many of the world's poor, defiantly charting an independent and revolutionary path for Cuba over nearly half a century.


  • 3. I dislike his dictatorial manner.


  • dictatorial (adj.) 1701; see dictator + -ial. Related: Dictatorially.
dic·ta·tor·ial / ˌdɪktəˈtɔːriəl ; NAmE ˌdɪktəˈtɔːriəl / adjective ( disapproving) 1 connected with or controlled by a dictator 独裁的;专政的 a dictatorial ruler 独裁统治者 a dictatorial regime 独裁政权 2 using power in an unreasonable way by telling people what to do and not listening to their views or wishes 发号施令的;专横的;盛气凌人的 dictatorial behaviour 专横的行为 dic·ta·tori·al·ly / ˌdɪktəˈtɔːriəli ; NAmE ˌdɪktəˈtɔːriəli / adverb dic·ta·tor·ial / ˌdɪktəˈtɔːriəl ; NAmE ˌdɪktəˈtɔːriəl / dic·ta·tori·al·ly / ˌdɪktəˈtɔːriəli ; NAmE ˌdɪktəˈtɔːriəli /
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