diarrhea 英 [,daɪə'riə]   美 [,daɪə'riə]


diarrhea  英 [,daɪə'riə] 美 [,daɪə'riə]

n. 腹泻,痢疾 


And the little buggers also use our attempts to expel them with vomiting and diarrhea. 还有,这小家伙也利用了我们试图通过呕吐和腹泻来驱逐来的尝试。
Do you have any other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, back pain, dizziness or headache? 还有其他症状吗,比如说恶心,呕吐,腹泻,背痛,头晕或头痛的?

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  • n. 腹泻,痢疾
  • 1. And the little buggers also use our attempts to expel them with vomiting and diarrhea.


  • 2. Do you have any other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, back pain, dizziness or headache?


  • 3. It could help reduce cases of diarrhea by almost half. And it could reduce deaths from pneumonia and other breathing infections by 1/4.

    这样做可有助于减少近一半的腹泻病例, 也可以减少肺炎和其它呼吸感染引起的死亡人数的1/4。

  • diarrhea (n.) late 14c., from Old French diarrie, from Late Latin diarrhoea, from Greek diarrhoia "diarrhea" (coined by Hippocrates), literally "a flowing through," from diarrhein "to flow through," from dia- "through" (see dia-) + rhein "to flow" (from PIE root *sreu- "to flow"). Respelled 16c. from diarria on Latin model.
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