device 英 [dɪˈvaɪs]   美 [dɪˈvaɪs]


device  英 [dɪˈvaɪs] 美 [dɪˈvaɪs]

n. 装置;设备;策略 


a water-saving device 节水装置
electrical labour-saving devices around the home 节省劳力的各种家用电器

  • A device is really anything that has a specific use. It might be a tool or object, or a plan that is devised to accomplish something. If it has a purpose, it is a device.
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  • n. 装置;设备;策略
  • 1. a water-saving device


  • 2. electrical labour-saving devices around the home


  • 3. the world's first atomic device


  • 4. Sending advertising by email is very successful as a marketing device.


  • device (n.) c. 1300, "intent, desire; an expressed intent or desire; a plan or design; a literary composition," from Old French devis "division, separation; disposition, wish, desire; coat of arms, emblem; a bequest in a will, act of bequeathing," from deviser "arrange, plan, contrive," literally "dispose in portions," from Vulgar Latin *divisare, frequentative of Latin dividere "to divide" (see divide (v.)).
de·vice AWL / dɪˈvaɪs ; NAmE dɪˈvaɪs / noun 1 an object or a piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular job 装置;仪器;器具;设备 a water-saving device 节水装置 electrical labour-saving devices around the home 节省劳力的各种家用电器 2 a bomb or weapon that will explode 炸弹;爆炸性武器;爆炸装置 A powerful device exploded outside the station. 一枚威力巨大的炸弹在车站外爆炸了。 the world's first atomic device 世界第一枚原子弹 3 a method of doing sth that produces a particular result or effect 手段;策略;方法;技巧 Sending advertising by email is very successful as a marketing device. 作为一种营销手段,用电子邮件发送广告是非常成功的。 4 a plan or trick that is used to get sth that sb wants 花招;计谋;诡计 The report was a device used to hide rather than reveal problems. 这份报告不是揭露问题而是为掩盖问题而耍的花招。 IDIOM leave sb to their own deˈvices to leave sb alone to do as they wish, and not tell them what to do 听任某人自行其是;对某人不加干涉 device devices de·vice / dɪˈvaɪs ; NAmE dɪˈvaɪs /
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