designer child  

designer child

designer child 

Indicates whether the control managed by the specified designer can be a child of the control managed by this designer. 指示由指定设计器管理的控件是否可以是由此设计器管理的控件的子级。
Provides an interface to allow a composite-control designer to recreate the child controls of its associated control at design time. 提供一个接口以使复合控件设计器可以在设计时重新创建其关联控件的子控件。

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  • 1. Indicates whether the control managed by the specified designer can be a child of the control managed by this designer.


  • 2. Provides an interface to allow a composite-control designer to recreate the child controls of its associated control at design time.


  • 3. Les Bains Des Docks Aquatic Center in Le Havre, France, is the brain child of designer Jean Nouvel, a stunning center of relaxation inspired by classic Roman baths.

    法国勒阿佛尔莱斯班德码头水上运动中心 让 .努尔维设计的 灵感来自于古罗马浴场。

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