desegregation [di,sɛgrə'geʃən]  


desegregation  [di,sɛgrə'geʃən]

n. 废止种族歧视 


The Supreme Court had begun the process of applying pressure on southern states in a string of desegregation decisions. 最高法院通过一系列解除种族隔离的判决已经开始在向南部各州施压。
Until last week's pronouncement on school desegregation, he had not addressed himself directly to the problem at all—and he still has not spoken out on the broader aspects of civil rights. 即使是在上星期就学校种族隔离的问题发言中——此前他从未就这个问题发表讲演,他也未对更广层面的民事权利公开发表意见。

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  • n. 废止种族歧视
  • 1. The Supreme Court had begun the process of applying pressure on southern states in a string of desegregation decisions.


  • 2. Until last week's pronouncement on school desegregation, he had not addressed himself directly to the problem at all—and he still has not spoken out on the broader aspects of civil rights.


  • 3. In response to increasing turmoil swirling around the desegregation of public schools, Armstrong was outspokenly critical of his country.


  • desegregation (n.) 1935, American English, from de- "do the opposite of" + segregation in the racial sense.
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