depth 英 [depθ]   美 [dɛpθ]


depth  英 [depθ] 美 [dɛpθ]

n. [海洋] 深度;深奥 


What's the depth of the water here? 这儿的水有多深?
Water was found at a depth of 30 metres. 在 30 米深处找到了水。

  • Depth is the measure of how deep something goes. The swimming pool has a depth of six feet. The well has an unknown depth. People can be deep as well—you know by looking at some people that they have depth.
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  • n. [海洋] 深度;深奥
  • 1. What's the depth of the water here?


  • 2. Water was found at a depth of 30 metres.

    在 30 米深处找到了水。

  • 3. The depth of the shelves is 30 centimetres.

    书架的深度为 30 厘米。

  • 4. the depth of her love


  • 5. a writer of great wisdom and depth


  • 6. His ideas lack depth.


  • 7. the depths of the ocean


  • 8. She was in the depths of despair.


  • 9. I haven't looked at the report in depth yet.


  • 10. an in-depth study


  • 11. He felt totally out of his depth in his new job.


  • depth (n.) late 14c., apparently formed in Middle English on model of length, breadth; from Old English deop "deep" (see deep) + -th (2). Replaced older deopnes "deepness." Though the English word is relatively recent, the formation is in Proto-Germanic, *deupitho-, and corresponds to Old Saxon diupitha, Dutch diepte, Old Norse dypð, Gothic diupiþa.
depth / depθ ; NAmE depθ / noun measurement 量度 1 [countable ,  uncountable ] the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of sth 向下的距离;深(度);纵深 What's the depth of the water here? 这儿的水有多深? Water was found at a depth of30 metres. 在 30 米深处找到了水。 They dug down to a depth oftwo metres. 他们挖到两米深。 Many dolphins can dive to depths of 200 metres. 许多海豚可潜到 200 米深。 The oil well extended several hundreds of feet in depth. 油井向下延伸了数百英尺。 the depth of a cut/wound/crack 划口╱伤口╱裂口深度 2 [countable ,  uncountable ] the distance from the front to the back of sth 向里的距离;深(度);宽(度) The depth of the shelves is 30 centimetres. 书架的深度为 30 厘米。 of feelings 感觉 3 [uncountable ] the strength and power of feelings 深厚;诚挚;强烈 the depth of her love 她那爱情之深 of knowledge 知识 4 [uncountable ] ( approving) the quality of knowing or understanding a lot of details about sth; the ability to provide and explain these details 渊博;深刻;洞察力 a writer of great wisdom and depth 有卓越智慧和洞察力的作家 a job that doesn't require any great depth of knowledge 不需要多么高深知识的工作 His ideas lack depth. 他的想法缺乏深度。 deepest part 最深处 5 [countable ,  usually plural ] the deepest, most extreme or serious part of sth 最深处;深渊;极限 the depths of the ocean 海洋深处 to live in the depths of the country (= a long way from a town) 住在偏远地区 in the depths of winter (= when it is coldest) 在隆冬季节 She was in the depths of despair. 她处于绝望的深渊。 He gazed into the depths of her eyes. 他深深凝视着她的眼睛。 Her paintings reveal hidden depths (= unknown and interesting things about her character). 她的画揭示出她隐藏的性格特征。 of colour 颜色 6 [uncountable ] the strength of a colour 浓度;强度 Strong light will affect the depth of colour of your carpets and curtains. 强烈的阳光会使你的地毯和窗帘褪色。 picture/photograph 画;照片 7 [uncountable ] ( technical 术语 ) the quality in a work of art or a photograph which makes it appear not to be flat 立体感 see also deep IDIOMS ˌin ˈdepth in a detailed and thorough way 全面;深入;详细 I haven't looked at the report in depth yet. 我还没有细看这份报告。 an in-depth study 深入研究 be out of your ˈdepth 1 ( BrE) to be in water that is too deep to stand in with your head above water 在水深没顶(或够不着底)的地方 2 to be unable to understand sth because it is too difficult; to be in a situation that you cannot control 非某人所能理解;为某人力所不及 He felt totally out of his depth in his new job. 他感到自己根本不能胜任这新工作。 more at plumb v. depth depths depth / depθ ; NAmE depθ /
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