densely   美 ['dɛnsli]


densely  美 ['dɛnsli]

adv. 浓密地;密集地 

A relative of parsley, it looks like moss but actually consists of thousands of flowering buds on long stems which are so densely packed together they can withstand the weight of a human. 紧密小鹰芹看上讽刺很象苔藓,但实际上它是由同一个主干上成千上万的花蕾组成的。 这些花蕾之间排列的十分紧密,甚至能承受一个人的重量。
Human lips are densely packed with sensory neurons - more than in most regions of the body - but the tongue, nose and cheeks also come into play. 人的嘴唇上分布着密密麻麻的感觉神经元,比身体上大多数部位都多,不过舌头、鼻子、脸颊也会起到一定作用。

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  • adv. 浓密地;密集地
  • 1. A relative of parsley, it looks like moss but actually consists of thousands of flowering buds on long stems which are so densely packed together they can withstand the weight of a human.

    紧密小鹰芹看上讽刺很象苔藓,但实际上它是由同一个主干上成千上万的花蕾组成的。 这些花蕾之间排列的十分紧密,甚至能承受一个人的重量。

  • 2. Human lips are densely packed with sensory neurons - more than in most regions of the body - but the tongue, nose and cheeks also come into play.


  • 3. The most densely developed areas appear white and gray, while suburban areas appear grayish green—a mixture of houses, streets, and lawns.


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