demotic 英 [dɪˈmɒtɪk]   美 [dɪˈmɑtɪk]


demotic  英 [dɪˈmɒtɪk] 美 [dɪˈmɑtɪk]

adj. 通俗的,民众的 


The demotic poetry of Robert Burns or the skirl of bagpipes at Highland gatherings are easily appreciated by immigrants. 罗伯特•彭斯德通俗的诗句,高地集会上悠扬的风笛等,更容易为移民所欣赏。
Saying sorry for Britain’s recession—perhaps in more nuanced, less demotic terms—might not feel fair to the prime minister. 为英国的衰退道歉——或许用更相似,而不那么通俗的措辞来说,对首相来说可能不公平。

  • A demotic saying or expression is casual, colloquial, and used by the masses. Some forms of the Greek and Egyptian languages are also called demotic, which will be relevant to you when you get your PhD in Classics.
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  • adj. 通俗的,民众的
  • 1. The demotic poetry of Robert Burns or the skirl of bagpipes at Highland gatherings are easily appreciated by immigrants.


  • 2. Saying sorry for Britain’s recession—perhaps in more nuanced, less demotic terms—might not feel fair to the prime minister.


  • 3. The stone, created in 196 BCE, inscribes three translations of a single passage—one each in hieroglyphics, demotic (an Egyptian script), and classical Greek.

    这块石碑制作于公元前 196 年,篆刻了对同一段文字的三种不同语言版本 — 分别是象形文字、通俗体文字(埃及草书)和希腊文字。

  • demotic (adj.) 1822, from Greek demotikos "of or for the common people, in common use," from demos "common people," originally "district," from PIE *da-mo- "division," from root *da- "to divide." In contrast to hieratic. Originally of the simpler of two forms of ancient Egyptian writing; broader sense is from 1831; used of Greek since 1927.
dem·ot·ic / dɪˈmɒtɪk ; NAmE dɪˈmɑːtɪk / adjective ( formal) used by or typical of ordinary people 民众的;通俗的;大众化的 dem·ot·ic / dɪˈmɒtɪk ; NAmE dɪˈmɑːtɪk /
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