democrat 英 [ˈdeməkræt]   美 [ˈdɛməˌkræt]


democrat  英 [ˈdeməkræt] 美 [ˈdɛməˌkræt]

n. 民主党人;民主主义者;民主政体论者 


He was also, people believed at the time, a democrat. 人们当时还相信,他还是一个民主主义者。
If a new person moved into Madison County, they would know within a week if he or she was a democrat or a Republican. 如果一个人刚刚搬到麦迪逊县,那么不出一个星期,他们就会知道此人是民主党人还是共和党人。

  • A democrat is a person who believes in the rule of the people. If you think students should have a say in what courses they take in school, then it's very likely that you're a democrat.
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  • n. 民主党人;民主主义者;民主政体论者
  • 1. He was also, people believed at the time, a democrat.


  • 2. If a new person moved into Madison County, they would know within a week if he or she was a democrat or a Republican.


  • 3. She will face another democrat, Gene Locke, a former city lawyer who might become only the second black mayor in the city.


  • democrat (n.) 1790, "adherent of democracy," with reference to France, from French démocrate (18c., opposed to aristocrate), back-formation from démocratie (see democracy); formally revived in U.S. as a political party affiliation 1798, with a capital D. As a shortening of this, Demo (1793) is older than Dem (c. 1840).
demo·crat / ˈdeməkræt ; NAmE ˈdeməkræt / noun 1 a person who believes in or supports democracy 民主主义者 2 Democrat ( abbr.D , Dem. ) a member or supporter of the Democratic Party of the US (美国)民主党党员,民主党人,民主党支持者 compare Republican n.  (2 ) democrat democrats demo·crat / ˈdeməkræt ; NAmE ˈdeməkræt /
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