demagogy 英 ['deməɡɒɡɪ]   美 ['deməɡɒɡɪ]


demagogy  英 ['deməɡɒɡɪ] 美 ['deməɡɒɡɪ]

n. 煽动家的方法与行为 


Such a person in reality did not act, the courage, so the network can only rely on these posts to vent, demagogy . 这种人在现实中没有作为,没胆量,所以就只能靠网络发这些帖子来发泄,哗众取宠。
That is the thing about demagogy: It can be charming, even dazzling, and that is what makes it all the more dangerous. 蛊惑人心的言论就是这样:它可以很迷人,甚至光芒四射,这正是它更危险的地方。

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  • n. 煽动家的方法与行为
  • 1. Such a person in reality did not act, the courage, so the network can only rely on these posts to vent, demagogy .


  • 2. That is the thing about demagogy: It can be charming, even dazzling, and that is what makes it all the more dangerous.


  • 3. In this climate, Otto Frank was unable to get visas for his family members, who were victims in part of American paranoia, demagogy and indifference.


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