delimit 英 [diˈlɪmɪt]   美 [dɪˈlɪmɪt]


delimit  英 [diˈlɪmɪt] 美 [dɪˈlɪmɪt]

vt. 划界;定界限 

进行时:delimiting  过去式:delimited  过去分词:delimited  第三人称单数:delimits 

The braces, "{" and "}", in the literal XML delimit expressions that are evaluated at runtime to construct the XML. 字面量 XML 中的括号“{”和“}”用于定界表达式,该表达式在运行时进行计算以构造该 XML。
The syntax used in Listing 2 should be fairly easy for most developers to understand: using parenthesis to delimit groupings, | characters to indicate choices between alternatives, and ? 清单 2 中使用的语法对于大多数开发人员而言是非常容易理解的:使用圆括号来划分组,使用 | 字符表示备选项,以及使用 ?

  • When you set the boundaries of something, you delimit it. Suburban homeowners often delimit their property lines with tall privacy fences.
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  • vt. 划界;定界限
  • 1. The braces, "{" and "}", in the literal XML delimit expressions that are evaluated at runtime to construct the XML.

    字面量 XML 中的括号“{”和“}”用于定界表达式,该表达式在运行时进行计算以构造该 XML。

  • 2. The syntax used in Listing 2 should be fairly easy for most developers to understand: using parenthesis to delimit groupings, | characters to indicate choices between alternatives, and ?

    清单 2 中使用的语法对于大多数开发人员而言是非常容易理解的:使用圆括号来划分组,使用 | 字符表示备选项,以及使用 ?

  • 3. When converting the topic hierarchy to a string, use the special forward slash (/) character to delimit the topic hierarchy with each section of the topic adding an extra logical layer of precision.

    要将主题层次转变成字符串,可以使用前斜线 (/) 字符分隔主题层次中的每个部分,这又增加了额外的逻辑层精度。

  • delimit (v.) 1852, from French délimiter (18c.), from Latin delimitare "to mark out as a boundary," from de- (see de-) + limitare, from limitem, limes "boundary, limit" (see limit (n.)). Related: Delimited; delimiting.
de·limit / diˈlɪmɪt ; NAmE diˈlɪmɪt / verb delimitsth ( formal) to decide what the limits of sth are 定…的界限;限定;界定 delimit delimits delimited delimiting de·limit / diˈlɪmɪt ; NAmE diˈlɪmɪt /
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