defoliator 英 [di:'fəʊlɪeɪtə]   美 [di'foʊlɪˌeɪtə]


defoliator  英 [di:'fəʊlɪeɪtə] 美 [di'foʊlɪˌeɪtə]

n. 去叶剂;食叶虫 


The Separatists, however, sought to blast the Lurmen village out of existence in a field-test of their new defoliator capsule weapon. 但他想错了。分离军想试射新式的焚灭弹胶囊火炮,将整个勒明村庄夷为平地。
The major pests which did harm to poplar were wood borer and defoliator. The pests and diseases of poplar in Xinyang City were introduced. 目前危害杨树的病虫害主要是蛀干害虫、食叶害虫和病害。

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  • n. 去叶剂;食叶虫
  • 1. The Separatists, however, sought to blast the Lurmen village out of existence in a field-test of their new defoliator capsule weapon.


  • 2. The major pests which did harm to poplar were wood borer and defoliator. The pests and diseases of poplar in Xinyang City were introduced.


  • 3. The main results were as follows:1 Biological characteristics and harm circumstances of main defoliator and mulberry longicoru on poplars1.

    主要结果如下: 1 杨树主要食叶害虫及桑天牛的生物学特性及危害情况1。

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