definite 英 [ˈdefɪnət]   美 [ˈdɛfənɪt]


definite  英 [ˈdefɪnət] 美 [ˈdɛfənɪt]

adj. 一定的;确切的 


Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow? 你最晚明天能给我一个确定的答覆吗?
Is it definite that he's leaving? 他肯定要离开吗?

  • Definite is an adjective describing something that is known for certain. For example, there is no more definite way to get into trouble with a police officer than speeding in front of the police station with a broken taillight.
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  • adj. 一定的;确切的
  • 1. Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow?


  • 2. Is it definite that he's leaving?


  • 3. I'm not sure—I can find out for definiteif you like.


  • 4. There was a definite feeling that things were getting worse.


  • 5. I'm definite about this.


  • 6. ‘Is Sarah coming to the party?’ ‘Yes, she's a definite.’


  • definite (adj.) 1550s, from Latin definitus "defined, bounded, limited," past participle of definire (see define). Definite means "defined, clear, precise, unmistakable;" definitive means "having the character of finality."
def·in·ite AWL / ˈdefɪnət ; NAmE ˈdefɪnət / adjective , noun definite definites adjective 1 definite(that…) sure or certain; unlikely to change 肯定的;确定的;不会改变的 Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow? 你最晚明天能给我一个确定的答覆吗? Is it definite that he's leaving? 他肯定要离开吗? I've heard rumours, but nothing definite. 我听到一些流言,但都不确定。 a definite offer of a job 明确给予一份工作 I'm not sure—I can find out for definiteif you like. 我没把握,如果你想要,我可以去核实。 That's definite then, is it? 那么,那是确切的了,是吗? They have very definite ideas on how to bring up children. 关于如何培养孩子,他们有非常明确的想法。 synonyms at certain 2 easily or clearly seen or understood; obvious 清楚的;明显的 SYN clear The look on her face was a definite sign that something was wrong. 一看她的神色就知道出事了。 There was a definite feeling that things were getting worse. 人们明显感到事情越来越糟。 3 [not before noun ] definite(about sth) | definite(that…) (of a person ) sure that sth is true or that sth is going to happen and stating it to other people 肯定;有把握 I'm definite about this. 我对这事毫无疑问。 noun [singular ] ( informal) sth that you are certain about or that you know will happen; sb who is sure to do sth 肯定的事(或人) ‘We're moving our office to Glasgow.’ ‘That's a definite, is it?’ “我们的办事处要搬到格拉斯哥去。”“这事儿定了,是吗?” ‘Is Sarah coming to the party?’ ‘Yes, she's a definite.’ “萨拉要来参加聚会吗?”“是的,她肯定来。” def·in·ite / ˈdefɪnət ; NAmE ˈdefɪnət /
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