defence 英 [dɪˈfens]   美 [dɪˈfɛns]


defence  英 [dɪˈfens] 美 [dɪˈfɛns]

n. 防御;防卫 


soldiers who died in defence oftheir country 为保卫祖国而献身的战士
The town walls were built as a defence against enemy attacks. 城墙是为防御敌人袭击而修建的。

  • This word does NOT mean taking down a fence; it is the British spelling of "defense" — a word that means the act of protecting or defending. Wearing garlic around your neck might be your defence against vampires.
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  • n. 防御;防卫
  • 1. soldiers who died in defence oftheir country


  • 2. The town walls were built as a defence against enemy attacks.


  • 3. the Ministry of Defence


  • 4. the Department of Defense


  • 5. a defence of Marxism


  • 6. He wanted to conduct his own defence.


  • 7. She plays in defence.


  • 8. He plays on defense.


de·fence ( especially US de·fense ) / dɪˈfens ; NAmE dɪˈfens / noun protection against attack 防御 1 [uncountable ] the act of protecting sb/sth from attack, criticism, etc. 防御;保护;保卫 soldiers who died in defence oftheir country 为保卫祖国而献身的战士 When her brother was criticized she leapt to his defence. 她的哥哥受到批评时,她马上跳出来卫护。 What points can be raised in defence of this argument? 有什么论点能提出来为这个说法辩护呢? I have to say in her defencethat she knew nothing about it beforehand. 我得为她说句话,她事先并不知道此事。 see also self-defence 2 [countable ,  uncountable ] defence(against sth) something that provides protection against attack from enemies, the weather, illness, etc. 防御物;防务;防御能力 The town walls were built as a defence against enemy attacks. 城墙是为防御敌人袭击而修建的。 The harbour's sea defences are in poor condition. 港口的海防工事状况很差。 The body has natural defence mechanismsto protect it from disease. 人体具有先天性防御机制以抵抗疾病。 Humour is a more effective defence than violence. 幽默是比暴力更有效的防御武器。 3 [uncountable ] the organization of the people and systems that are used by a government to protect a country from attack 国防机构;国防体系 ( BrE) the Ministry of Defence 国防部 ( NAmE) the Department of Defense 国防部 Further cuts in defence spending are being considered. 目前正在考虑进一步削减国防开支。 support 支持 4 [countable ] something that is said or written in order to support sth 辩解;辩白 a defence of Marxism 为马克思主义辩解 law 法律 5 [countable ] what is said in court to prove that a person did not commit a crime; the act of presenting this argument in court 辩护;辩词;答辩 Her defence was that she was somewhere completely different at the time of the crime. 她的辩词是案发时她根本就不在现场。 He wanted to conduct his own defence. 他想自己为自己辩护。 6 the defence [singular + singular or plural verb ] the lawyer or lawyers whose job is to prove in court that a person did not commit a crime 被告方;辩方 compare prosecution  (2 ) in sport 体育运动 7 [singular ,  uncountable ] the players who must prevent the other team from scoring; the position of these players on the sports field 防守队员;防守;后卫 Welford cut through the defence to score the winning goal. 韦尔福特突破防守射进了制胜的一球。 ( BrE) She plays in defence. 她打防守。 ( NAmE) He plays on defense. 他打防守。 compare attack n.  (8 ) , offense  (2 ) 8 [countable ] a contest, game, etc. in which the previous winner or winners compete in order to try to win again 卫冕赛 Barcelona's defence of the Champions League title 欧洲冠军联赛巴塞罗纳队的冠军卫冕赛 defence defences de·fence / dɪˈfens ; NAmE dɪˈfens /
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