deep 英 [di:p]   美 [dip]


deep  英 [di:p] 美 [dip]

n. 深处;深渊  adj. 深的;低沉的;深奥的  adv. 深入地;深深地 

名词复数:deeps  比较级:deeper  最高级:deepest 

a deep hole, a deep well, a deep river 很深的洞╱井╱河
deep water, deep snow 深水;厚雪

  • How deep a body of water is can be measured from the surface of water to the bottom. You should always be sure you know how deep a swimming pool is before demonstrating your backward somersault dive.
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  • n. 深处;深渊
  • adj. 深的;低沉的;深奥的
  • adv. 深入地;深深地
  • 1. a deep hole, a deep well, a deep river


  • 2. deep water, deep snow


  • 3. a deep cut, a deep wound


  • 4. The water is only a few inches deep.


  • 5. The water was only waist-deep so I walked ashore.


  • 6. She took a deep breath.


  • 7. I heard his deep warm voice filling the room.


  • 8. a rich deep red


  • 9. He's in deep trouble.


  • 10. deep respect


  • 11. a deep understanding


  • 12. This discussion's getting too deep for me.


  • 13. to be deep in thought, to be deep in conversation


  • 14. The firm ended up deep in debt.


  • 15. She's always been a deep one, trusting no one.


  • 16. Dig deeper!


  • 17. deep in the forest


  • 18. deeply in love


  • deep (adj.) Old English deop "profound, awful, mysterious; serious, solemn; deepness, depth," deope (adv.), from Proto-Germanic *deupaz (source also of Old Saxon diop, Old Frisian diap, Dutch diep, Old High German tiof, German tief, Old Norse djupr, Danish dyb, Swedish djup, Gothic diups "deep"), from PIE root *dheub- "deep, hollow" (source also of Lithuanian dubus "deep, hollow, Old Church Slavonic duno "bottom, foundation," Welsh dwfn "deep," Old Irish domun "world," via sense development from "bottom" to "foundation" to "earth" to "world").
  • deep (n.) Old English deop "deep water," especially the sea, from the source of deep (adj.).
deep / diːp ; NAmE diːp / adjective , adverb , noun deep deeps deeper deepest WORD FAMILY deep adjective , adverb deeply adverb deepen verb depth noun adjective ( deep·er , deep·est ) top to bottom 由顶向底 1 having a large distance from the top or surface to the bottom 深的;厚的 a deep hole/well/river 很深的洞╱井╱河 deep water/snow 深水;厚雪 OPP shallow front to back 由前向后 2 having a large distance from the front edge to the furthest point inside 纵深的;宽的 a deep cut/wound 很深的划口╱伤口 a deep space 深邃的空间 OPP shallow measurement 量度 3 used to describe or ask about the depth of sth 有…深的 The water is only a few inches deep. 这水只有几英寸深。 How deep is the wound? 伤口有多深? -deep 有…深 4 ( in adjectives 构成形容词 ) as far up or down as the point mentioned 远至…的;有…深的 The water was only waist-deep so I walked ashore. 水只有齐腰深,所以我涉水上了岸。 5 ( in adjectives 构成形容词 ) in the number of rows mentioned, one behind the other 成…排的;有…层的 They were standing three-deep at the bar. 他们在吧枱前站成三排。 breath/sigh 呼吸;叹息 6 [usually before noun ] taking in or giving out a lot of air 深(呼吸)的 She took a deep breath. 她深深地吸了一口气。 He gave a deep sigh. 他深深地叹了一口气。 sounds 声音 7 low 深沉的;低沉的 I heard his deep warm voice filling the room. 我听到他低沉暖人的话语在整个房间里回荡。 a deep roar/groan 低沉的轰鸣声╱呻吟声 colours 颜色 8 strong and dark 深的 a rich deep red 鲜艳的深红色 OPP pale sleep 睡眠 9 a person in a deepsleep is difficult to wake 酣睡的;沉睡的 to be in a deep sleep/trance/coma 酣睡;昏睡;昏迷 OPP light serious 严重 10 extreme or serious 极度的;严重的 He's in deep trouble. 他陷入极度困境之中。 a deep economic recession 严重的经济衰退 The affair had exposed deep divisions within the party. 这件事暴露出党内的严重分歧。 a place of great power and of deep significance 具有重大影响力和深远意义的地方 emotions 情感 11 strongly felt 强烈的;深切的;衷心的 SYN sincere deep respect 深深的敬意 a deep sense of loss 强烈的失落感 knowledge 知识 12 showing great knowledge or understanding 渊博的;深刻的 a deep understanding 深刻的理解 difficult to understand 难以理解 13 difficult to understand 深奥的;难懂的;难解的 SYN profound This discussion's getting too deep for me. 这讨论越来越深奥,使我难以理解。 He pondered, as if over some deep philosophical point. 他沉思着,仿佛在思索某个深奥的哲学问题。 involved 深陷 14 deepin sth fully involved in an activity or a state 专心;全神贯注;深陷 to be deep in thought/conversation 陷入深思;专心谈话 He is often so deep in his books that he forgets to eat. 他常常专心于读书以致忘了吃饭。 The firm ended up deep in debt. 这家公司最后债台高筑。 person 15 if a person is deep,they hide their real feelings and opinions 深沉的;摸不透的;城府深的 She's always been a deep one, trusting no one. 她这个人一直城府很深,对谁也不相信。 in sport 体育运动 16 to or from a position far down or across the field 靠近对方端线的;靠近外场线的 a deep ball from Beckham 贝克汉姆踢到靠近对方端线的球 see also depth IDIOMS go off the ˈdeep end ( informal) to suddenly become very angry or emotional (突然)火冒三丈,大发脾气,非常激动 in deep ˈwater(s) ( informal) in trouble or difficulty 在困境中;在危难中 jump/be thrown in at the ˈdeep end ( informal) to start or be made to start a new and difficult activity that you are not prepared for (使)陷入未曾料到的艰难处境,一筹莫展 Junior hospital doctors are thrown in at the deep end in their first jobs. 医院的初级医生开始工作时会遇上未曾料到的困难。 more at devil , shit n. adverb ( deep·er , deep·est ) deep(below, into, under, etc.) a long way below the surface of sth or a long way inside or into sth 深深地;在深处;至深处 Dig deeper! 再挖深点! The miners were trapped deep underground. 矿工被困在地下深处。 whales that feed deep beneath the waves 在大海深处进食的鲸鱼 He gazed deep into her eyes. 他深深凝视着她的眼睛。 They sat and talked deep into the night (= until very late). 他们坐着谈话,一直谈到深夜。 deep in the forest 在森林深处 He stood with his hands deep in his pockets. 他双手深插在衣袋里站着。 IDIOMS deep ˈdown 1 if you know sth deep down,you know your true feelings about sth, although you may not admit them to yourself 在内心深处;在心底 Deep down I still loved him. 我在内心深处仍然爱着他。 2 if sth is true deep down,it is really like that, although it may not be obvious to people 本质上;实际上;事实上 He seems confident but deep down he's quite insecure. 他好像很有信心,实际上却没什么把握。 go/run ˈdeep (of emotions, beliefs, etc. 情感、信仰等 ) to be felt in a strong way, especially for a long time 强烈;深厚;深入内心 Dignity and pride run deep in this community. 尊严和骄傲已深深扎根于这个群体之中。 more at dig v. , still adj. noun [singular ] the deep ( literary) the sea 海;海洋 WHICH WORD? 词语辨析 deep / deeply The adverbs deepand deeplycan both mean ‘a long way down or into something’. Deepcan only mean this and is more common than deeplyin this sense. It is usually followed by a word like intoor below. 副词 deep 和 deeply 均含由上到下或从外到里距离大的意思。deep 只含此义,而且用于此义时较 deeply 通用,其后通常接 into 或 below: We decided to go deeper into the jungle. 我们决定继续深入丛林。 Deeplyusually means ‘very much’. *deeply 常指非常之意: deeply in love 深爱 deeply shocked 大为震惊 You can use deep down(but not deeply) to talk about a person’s real nature. 表示人的本性、心地可用 deep down (但不能用 deeply): She can seem stern, but deep down she’s a very kind person. 她看上去可能严厉,其实心地非常善良。 She can seem stern, but deeply she’s a very kind person. deep / diːp ; NAmE diːp /
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