- Putting up paintings, stringing up lights, and getting some flowers are all ways to decorate a house. When you decorate, you make things look better or at least more interesting.
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- vt. 装饰;装修
1. They decorated the room with flowers and balloons.
2. I hate decorating.
3. We need to decorate the sitting room.
4. The sitting room needs decorating.
- decorate (v.) early 15c., from Latin decoratus, past participle of decorare "to decorate, adorn, embellish, beautify," from decus (genitive decoris) "an ornament," from PIE root *dek- "to take, accept." Related: Decorated; decorating.
dec·or·ate ★ / ˈdekəreɪt ; NAmE ˈdekəreɪt / verb 1 ★ [transitive ] decoratesth (with sth) to make sth look more attractive by putting things on it 装饰;装潢 ◆ They decorated the room with flowers and balloons. 他们用花和气球装饰了房间。 ◆ The cake was decorated to look like a car. 这蛋糕装饰得像一辆汽车。 2 ★ [intransitive , transitive ] ( especially BrE) to put paint, wallpaper,etc. on the walls and ceilings of a room or house 粉刷;油漆;糊墙纸 ◆ I hate decorating. 我讨厌粉刷墙壁。 ◆ He has his own painting and decorating business. 他经营自己的油漆和粉刷墙壁生意。 decoratesth ◆ We need to decorate the sitting room. 我们需要将客厅粉刷一下。 ◆ The sitting room needs decorating. 客厅需要粉刷。 3 ★ [transitive ] decoratesth to be placed on sth in order to make it look more attractive 点缀;装点 SYN adorn ◆ Photographs of actors decorated the walls of the restaurant. 演员的照片装点着餐馆的墙壁。 4 [transitive , usually passive ] decoratesb (for sth) to give sb a medalas a sign of respect for sth they have done 授给(某人)勋章(或奖章) COLLOCATIONS 词语搭配 Decorating and home improvement 装饰和改善房屋 Houses 房屋 ■ refurbish/renovate/( BrE) do upa building/a house 整修/翻新/修缮楼房/房屋 ■ converta building/house/room into homes/offices/( especially NAmE) apartments/( BrE) flats 把楼房/房子/房间改建成住房/办公室/公寓 ■ extend/enlargea house/building/room/kitchen 扩建/扩大房屋/楼房/房间/厨房 ■ build( BrE) an extension (to the back/rear of a house)/( NAmE) an addition (on/to sth)/( BrE) a conservatory (在房子后面)扩建;(在某处)增建;建造暖房 ■ knock down/demolisha house/home/building/wall 推倒/拆除房子/住房/楼房/墙壁 ■ knock out/throughthe wall separating two rooms 将两个房间的隔墙打通 Decoration 装饰 ■ furnish/paint/( especially BrE) decoratea home/house/apartment/flat/room 布置/油漆/装饰住房/房子/公寓套房/单元房/房间 ■ be decoratedin bright colours/( especially US) colors/in a traditional style/with flowers/with paintings 用明亮的色彩/传统风格/花朵/绘画装饰 ■ paint/plasterthe walls/ceiling 给墙壁/天花板上涂料/抹灰 ■ hang/put up/strip off/removethe wallpaper 贴/去除墙纸 ■ install/replace/removethe bathroom fixtures/( BrE) fittings 安装/更换/拆除浴室的固定装置/附加设备 ■ build/put upshelves 搭架子 ■ laywooden flooring/timber decking/floor tiles/a carpet/a patio 铺设木地板/平台木板/地砖/地毯/露台 ■ put up/hang/take downa picture/painting/poster/curtain 挂上/取下图画/绘画/海报/帘子 DIY/home improvement 自己动手;房屋改造 ■ do( BrE) DIY/carpentry/the plumbing/the wiring 自己动手做;做木匠活;铺设管道;铺设电路 ■ makehome improvements 改造房屋 ■ add/installcentral heating/underfloor heating/insulation 添加/安装中央供暖系统/地暖系统/隔热材料 ■ fit/installdouble-glazing/a smoke alarm 安装双层玻璃/烟雾报警器 ■ insulateyour house/your home/the walls/the pipes/the tanks/( especially BrE) the loft 在房子/住房/墙壁/管道/热水箱/阁楼里加隔热装置 ■ fix/repaira roof/a leak/a pipe/the plumbing/a leaking ( especially BrE) tap/( NAmE usually) faucet 维修房顶/裂缝/管子/管道系统/漏水的水龙头 ■ block/clog (up)/unblock/uncloga pipe/sink 堵住/疏通管道/洗涤池 ■ make/drill/filla hole 开/钻/填一个洞 ■ hammer (in)/pull out/removea nail 锤进/拔出钉子 ■ tighten/untighten/loosen/removea screw 拧紧/拧松/拧开螺丝钉 ■ saw/cut/treat/stain/varnish/paintwood 锯/切割/加工木料;给木料上色/上清漆/上油漆 decorate decorates decorated decorating dec·or·ate / ˈdekəreɪt ; NAmE ˈdekəreɪt /
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