decoding ['di'kod]  


decoding  ['di'kod]

n. [通信] 解码;[计][通信] 译码  v. 破译;译解(decode的ing形式) 


Although I advise that you refrain from decoding XML documents with ad hoc routines, I have no qualms about writing. 虽然我建议您避免使用特殊的例程解码 XML 文档,但是对于写入 XML 没有这样的疑虑。
Normally, these processors are only responsible for decoding video and rendering graphics, but they can also be used to supplement the general processing power of the computer. 通常情况下,这些处理器只负责视频解码和图形渲染,但它们也可以用于补充计算机的一般处理能力。

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  • n. [通信] 解码;[计][通信] 译码
  • v. 破译;译解(decode的ing形式)
  • 1. Although I advise that you refrain from decoding XML documents with ad hoc routines, I have no qualms about writing.

    虽然我建议您避免使用特殊的例程解码 XML 文档,但是对于写入 XML 没有这样的疑虑。

  • 2. Normally, these processors are only responsible for decoding video and rendering graphics, but they can also be used to supplement the general processing power of the computer.


  • 3. To be doubly sure, I hunted down the academic paper that announced the decoding of the tryptophan protein...


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