deceptively [dɪ'sɛptɪvli]  


deceptively  [dɪ'sɛptɪvli]

adv. 迷惑地,骗人地;虚伪地 

It is deceptively complex - both the part about identifying criminal faces as well as the unidentified deceased faces. 无论是关于识别犯罪的面貌,还是识别不明身份的死者, 这个领域看上去相当复杂。
Once you've put yourself in a pattern of rejecting all limitation, you've embraced a fixed state of being. Your no-limit policy has deceptively limited you. 一旦陷入拒绝所有限制的模式,你就会信奉一种固定的生命形态。你的无限制规则迷惑地限制了你。

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  • adv. 迷惑地,骗人地;虚伪地
  • 1. It is deceptively complex - both the part about identifying criminal faces as well as the unidentified deceased faces.

    无论是关于识别犯罪的面貌,还是识别不明身份的死者, 这个领域看上去相当复杂。

  • 2. Once you've put yourself in a pattern of rejecting all limitation, you've embraced a fixed state of being. Your no-limit policy has deceptively limited you.


  • 3. Some were like me: college graduates who had left home with little more than gas money in their pockets, driven by the deceptively enticing prospect of trying their luck in the big city.


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