darkening 美['dɑrkn]  


darkening  美['dɑrkn]

v. 变黑;暗色化;灯火管制(darken的ing形式) 


As I was walking back to the trolley in the darkening streets — The Wall Street Journal was then at 44 Broad Street — the newsboys were all out on the streets shouting their extras. 当我走向回家的电车时,大街上正在渐渐变暗——当时华尔街日报位于宽街44号——那些报童们都在街上,大声的叫卖着报纸增刊。
They also block out the noise of the content beneath the window by darkening the area around it with a shadow. 它们利用阴影来暗化窗口周围的区域以达到降低窗口下面内容所引起的噪音。

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  • v. 变黑;暗色化;灯火管制(darken的ing形式)
  • 1. As I was walking back to the trolley in the darkening streets — The Wall Street Journal was then at 44 Broad Street — the newsboys were all out on the streets shouting their extras.


  • 2. They also block out the noise of the content beneath the window by darkening the area around it with a shadow.


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