dangerously ['deindʒərəsli]  


dangerously  ['deindʒərəsli]

adv. 危险地;不安全 

The boat drifted dangerously near the falls. 小船危险地漂近瀑布。
Not knowing the pitfalls, outside organizations have severally reported the Gini index of China to be rising dangerously. 不知道这个陷阱,外间的机构几番报道,说中国的基尼系数正在危险地上升。

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  • adv. 危险地;不安全
  • 1. The boat drifted dangerously near the falls.


  • 2. Not knowing the pitfalls, outside organizations have severally reported the Gini index of China to be rising dangerously.


  • 3. For instance, when someone dangerously cuts you off on the freeway, your thought might be: "I do not want this anger" (or "rage," if it's that bad).


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