daddy longlegs  

daddy longlegs

daddy longlegs 

phrase. 盲蛛 

名词复数:daddy longlegss 

daddy longlegs are very widely distributed in temperate regions and in the tropics. 分布广泛,温带和热带地区均可见。
He looked just like a big, dancing daddy longlegs that was calling for his ride home! 他很高,腿很长,简直就像一只舞动著长腿正在叫车的大蜘蛛!

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  • phrase. 盲蛛
  • 1. daddy longlegs are very widely distributed in temperate regions and in the tropics.


  • 2. He looked just like a big, dancing daddy longlegs that was calling for his ride home!


  • 3. First prize in the BioScapes competition went to Igor Siwanowicz of the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology near Munich for his confocal microscope picture of the eyes of a daddy longlegs.

    生物显微摄影比赛的桂冠被慕尼黑马克斯普朗克神经生物学研究所的Igor Siwanowicz摘得。他的作品是在共聚焦显微镜下拍摄的盲蛛的眼睛。

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