cynically 英 ['sɪnɪklɪ]   美 [ˈsɪnɪklɪ]


cynically  英 ['sɪnɪklɪ] 美 [ˈsɪnɪklɪ]

adv. 爱嘲笑地;冷笑地 

This optimism was increased by the fact that the Russians would cynically inoculate the prisoners against diseases such as cholera and typhus. 这种乐观情绪不断高涨,因为俄罗斯人在给囚犯接种疫苗(例如霍乱和伤寒)时常冷笑不已。
For those more cynically minded, it also means your actions are subject to less scrutiny, allowing you to do things your publicly-listed rivals may not get away with. 对于那些态度玩世不恭的人,这也意味着你的行为受到较少的审视,这让你得以做一些那些公开上市的竞争对手做不了的事。

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  • adv. 爱嘲笑地;冷笑地
  • 1. This optimism was increased by the fact that the Russians would cynically inoculate the prisoners against diseases such as cholera and typhus.


  • 2. For those more cynically minded, it also means your actions are subject to less scrutiny, allowing you to do things your publicly-listed rivals may not get away with.


  • 3. This alone should be enough to cause even the most cautious citizen to suspect that the government was either complicit in, or cynically and deliberately dishonest in exploiting, the anthrax attacks.


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