curving ['kə:viŋ]  


curving  ['kə:viŋ]

adj. 弯曲的  n. 弯曲;曲线;变形  v. 使弯曲;弯成弧形(curve的ing形式) 


Ranger 6 arced on a graceful,curving course towards the moon. (月球探测卫星)徘徊者6号沿着一条优美的曲线循弧线飞向月球。
Nothing emerged, but I gagged a few times, then leaned over the bowl, considering the toilet from this angle—the calm water, the curving porcelain. 什么也没吐出来,只是几番作呕,我靠在马桶边,从这样的角度观察着——平静的水面、弯曲的瓷盆。

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  • adj. 弯曲的
  • n. 弯曲;曲线;变形
  • v. 使弯曲;弯成弧形(curve的ing形式)
  • 1. Ranger 6 arced on a graceful,curving course towards the moon.


  • 2. Nothing emerged, but I gagged a few times, then leaned over the bowl, considering the toilet from this angle—the calm water, the curving porcelain.


  • 3. I have been told that I have a significant limp, which I denied for a few days but now I can clearly feel my body rocking more to the right and my right foot curving in more as I stagger forward.


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