curtly ['kə:tli]  


curtly  ['kə:tli]

adv. 简略地;草率地 

Seeing that nothing actually happened, his flock curtly deserted him. 他那群人看到什么事也没出现,直截了当就抛弃了他。
If you're in a hurry, you might nod curtly and be on your way; but you could decide to take your time, smile back and repeat the message before you go. 如果你在匆忙赶路,可能只是简单地点头,然后继续赶路;但是你也可能决定花点时间,在走之前回她一个微笑,重复这个祝福。

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  • adv. 简略地;草率地
  • 1. Seeing that nothing actually happened, his flock curtly deserted him.


  • 2. If you're in a hurry, you might nod curtly and be on your way; but you could decide to take your time, smile back and repeat the message before you go.


  • 3. "Monsieur, " shereplied curtly, "I am very pleased to have heard you.


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