cryptically ['kriptikəli]  


cryptically  ['kriptikəli]

adv. 隐秘地;意义含糊地 

“Good. Now move onto the second thing, ” she cryptically says. “好,现在进行第二件事,”她含蓄地指示他们。
Most of my students knew, at least cryptically, what happened in Tiananmen Square right around the year most of them were born. 二十年前,恰好是我的学生出生的年代,他们中绝大多数知道,至少是秘而不宣的知道当时在广场发生的事情。

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  • adv. 隐秘地;意义含糊地
  • 1. “Good. Now move onto the second thing, ” she cryptically says.


  • 2. Most of my students knew, at least cryptically, what happened in Tiananmen Square right around the year most of them were born.


  • 3. It has only a single, illuminated button that serves as the on-off switch and an indicator light that blinks cryptically in different colors.


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