crusty 英 [ˈkrʌsti]   美 [ˈkrʌsti]


crusty  英 [ˈkrʌsti] 美 [ˈkrʌsti]

adj. 易怒的;执拗的;有壳的;像外壳一样的 

名词复数:crusties  比较级:crustier  最高级:crustiest 

You never know when you’ll need to switch, so save yourself the stress of having to download new software for the crusty backup computer at the last minute. 你并不知道什么时候你会需要换电脑,这么做可以为你省下关键时刻还得为倔强的备用电脑下载最新软件的时间。
This time, he turns his attention to an old crusty pipe protruding from the bottom of the wall. He grabs the wheel valve on the pipe and turns it with some effort. 这次,他的注意力集中在墙底部的一条陈旧的带有硬壳的管道,他抓住管道上的轮形阀门,很费力的将阀门扭开。

  • The adjective crusty is good for describing something that is crisp on the outside, like a loaf of French bread.
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  • adj. 易怒的;执拗的;有壳的;像外壳一样的
  • 1. You never know when you’ll need to switch, so save yourself the stress of having to download new software for the crusty backup computer at the last minute.


  • 2. This time, he turns his attention to an old crusty pipe protruding from the bottom of the wall. He grabs the wheel valve on the pipe and turns it with some effort.


  • 3. All the more reason, you’d think, for healthy birds to avoid sitting next to someone with crusty red peepers.


  • crusty (adj.) c. 1400, from crust (n.) + -y (2). Figurative use, of persons, "short-tempered," is from 1560s.
crusty / ˈkrʌsti ; NAmE ˈkrʌsti / adjective , noun crusty crusties crustier crustiest adjective ( crust·ier , crusti·est ) 1 (of food 食物 ) having a hard outer layer 有硬皮的;有脆皮的 fresh crusty bread 新鲜的脆皮面包 2 ( informal) (especially of older people 尤指老年人 ) bad-tempered; easily irritated 脾气坏的;易发怒的 a crusty old man 脾气暴躁的老人 noun ( also crustie ) ( plural crusties ) ( BrE) ( informal) a person who usually has no permanent home, has a dirty or untidy appearance, and rejects the way that most people live in Western society 居无定所抗拒传统的人 crusty / ˈkrʌsti ; NAmE ˈkrʌsti /
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