cruel 英 [kru:əl]   美 [ˈkruəl]


cruel  英 [kru:əl] 美 [ˈkruəl]

adj. 残酷的,残忍的,无情的 

比较级:crueller  最高级:cruellest 

a cruel dictator 残暴的独裁者
I can't stand people who are cruel to animals. 我无法容忍虐待动物的人。

  • Someone or something that inflicts pain or causes suffering can be described as cruel. It would be cruel of you to offer chocolate to someone on a diet.
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  • adj. 残酷的,残忍的,无情的
  • 1. a cruel dictator


  • 2. I can't stand people who are cruel to animals.


  • 3. Her eyes were cruel and hard.


  • 4. a cruel punishment,a cruel joke


  • 5. Her father's death was a cruel blow.


  • 6. The dog had been cruelly treated.


  • 7. I was cruelly deceived.


  • cruel (adj.) early 13c., from Old French cruel (12c.), earlier crudel, from Latin crudelis "rude, unfeeling; cruel, hard-hearted," related to crudus "rough, raw, bloody" (see crude). Related: Cruelly. Latin medial -d- began to disappear 10c. in French: compare chance/cadentia, cheoir/cadere, joyeux/gaudiosus, juif/judaeus, moyen/medianus, obéir/obedire, séance/sedentia.
cruel / ˈkruːəl ; NAmE ˈkruːəl / adjective ( cruel·ler , cruel·lest ) 1 cruel(to sb/sth) having a desire to cause pain and suffering 残酷的;冷酷的;残忍的;残暴的 a cruel dictator 残暴的独裁者 I can't stand people who are cruel to animals. 我无法容忍虐待动物的人。 Her eyes were cruel and hard. 她目光冷酷逼人。 Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind (= make sb suffer because it will be good for them later). 有时候为了某人好你就得对他狠。 OPP kind 2 causing pain or suffering 引起痛苦的 a cruel punishment/joke 残酷的惩罚;挖苦人的笑话 Her father's death was a cruel blow. 父亲去世对她是一大打击。 cruel·ly / ˈkruːəli ; NAmE ˈkruːəli / adverb The dog had been cruelly treated. 那条狗受过虐待。 I was cruelly deceived. 我被骗得惨透了。 cruel crueller cruellest cruel / ˈkruːəl ; NAmE ˈkruːəl / cruel·ly / ˈkruːəli ; NAmE ˈkruːəli /
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