croaky 英 [ˈkrəʊki]   美 [ˈkroʊki]


croaky  英 [ˈkrəʊki] 美 [ˈkroʊki]

adj. 呱呱叫的;(声音)低沉而沙哑的 

'What the devil do you mean by it, boy?' asked Uncle Vernon in a croaky voice that trembled with fury. “你到底在倒什么鬼?小子?”维能姨夫哇哇叫着,声音由于气愤而颤抖着。
Fritzl told the court in a strained and croaky voice: "I should have realised it before, but I only realised yesterday for the first time how cruel I was to Elisabeth." Fritzl用紧张又沙哑的噪音向法官说:“我应该早点知道的,不过我到了昨天才第一次知道我对伊丽莎白有多么残忍。”

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  • adj. 呱呱叫的;(声音)低沉而沙哑的
  • 1. 'What the devil do you mean by it, boy?' asked Uncle Vernon in a croaky voice that trembled with fury.


  • 2. Fritzl told the court in a strained and croaky voice: "I should have realised it before, but I only realised yesterday for the first time how cruel I was to Elisabeth."


  • 3. So instead of thinking, "I can't be croaky on Chinese TV if it's my chance to be noticed, " I thought it might be the only opportunity to realise my dream and that I should do it.

    当时她说这是要在电视上播出的节目,一个和让我心碎的英国达人秀类似的节目,我马上想道,如果我引起关注,我可不能在中国电视上哇哇叫。 我想这可能是实现我梦想的机会,我一定要去尝试。

croaky / ˈkrəʊki ; NAmE ˈkroʊki / adjective ( informal) (of sb's voice 嗓音 ) deep and rough, especially because of a sore throat (尤指因嗓子疼痛而)低沉沙哑的 croaky croakier croakiest croaky / ˈkrəʊki ; NAmE ˈkroʊki /
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