criminally ['krɪmɪnəli]  


criminally  ['krɪmɪnəli]

adv. 刑法上;犯了罪地,有罪地 

Whether in the United States or Liberia, he should be criminally investigated for these horrific offenses. 无论他在美国或利比里亚,都应该对他进行刑事侦查,追究这些可怕的罪行。
All those responsible, including those who gave the orders, should be held criminally accountable for their actions, as should anyone who tried to cover up the crimes and dispose of any evidence. 所有对此有责任的人, 包括下达命令的人, 应被依法追究负责, 让他们为罪行负责, 这也包括任何试图掩盖罪行和毁灭证据的人。

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  • adv. 刑法上;犯了罪地,有罪地
  • 1. Whether in the United States or Liberia, he should be criminally investigated for these horrific offenses.


  • 2. All those responsible, including those who gave the orders, should be held criminally accountable for their actions, as should anyone who tried to cover up the crimes and dispose of any evidence.

    所有对此有责任的人, 包括下达命令的人, 应被依法追究负责, 让他们为罪行负责, 这也包括任何试图掩盖罪行和毁灭证据的人。

  • 3. Those in positions of responsibility, who should have known about the crime (or its planning) and who failed to prevent it or prosecute those responsible, should be held criminally responsible.

    那些担任责任职务的人, 他们应该已知道罪行(或计划), 和那些没有阻止或起诉责任人的人, 应被依法追究刑事责任。

crim·in·al·ly / ˈkrɪmɪnəli ; NAmE ˈkrɪmɪnəli / adverb according to the laws that deal with crime 刑法上;刑事上;在犯罪方面 criminally insane 精神不正常而犯罪的 crim·in·al·ly / ˈkrɪmɪnəli ; NAmE ˈkrɪmɪnəli /
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